Book donation for the Institute ZRS in Koper

“Habent sua fata libelli” – “Knjige imajo svoje usode” – “Bücher haben ihre Schicksale”- “Books have their fates”: A substantial donation of books from the Weimar estate of Edith and Horst Nahler for the Inštitut za filozofske in religijske študije ZRS Koper. Volumes by Goethe, Schiller, Herder, Hölderlin and Wieland are handed over to Prof. Dr. Lenart Skof, Director of the Institute, by Dr. Monica R. and Dr. Gerald Hühner. The Director of the ZRS, Prof. Dr Rado Pišot, the Deputy Director, Prof. Dr. Tilen Glavina, the Head of the Cultural Department of the German Embassy in Ljubljana, Julia Neblich, and the Head of Goethe-Institut Ljubljana, Dr. Alix Landgrebe, also took part in the ceremonial handover of the books. Lectures, speeches and book presentations round off the programme. “Habent sua fata libelli”.

Echo: ZRS Koper

Echo: Primorske novice

Echo: Regional obala

Handball City ecelje

Interviews on the handball city of Celje were conducted with young player Mai Marguč at the Gimnazija Celje Centre, 3 January 2024, and with national team players Urban Lesjak and Tilen Kodrin at the Slovenian handball team’s hotel, 7 January 2024, in Ljubljana. The team is currently preparing to take part in the European Championships/European Championships in Germany. The focus of the interviews about the handball city of Celje: training and professional sport at Handball Club Celje Pivovarna Laško (RK Celje Pivovarna Laško), the experiences of Slovenian players in the German Handball Bundesliga and the prospects for the upcoming European Championship. The discussions as part of the project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth Writes) with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ are being continued and will continue to be conducted by Nika Rezman, Larisa Špur and Matic Krašovec; Guided by: Gerald und Monica Hühner. Photos: Marjana Turnšek, Gerald and Monica Hühner

VI. Croatian CLILiG-Robotics Championship

Rheinland-Pfalz in Slovenia

14.12. and 15.12.2023: Guests from the Rheinland-Pfalz State Pedagogical Institute, Kristina Fischer, Rudolf Funken, Stephan Pfurtscheller and and members of INSTITUTE DISCIMUS LAB, Tržec, Dr. Monica R. Hühner, Dr. Gerald Hühner and Etjan Kiralj had a two-day exchange with the hosts Municipality of Celje / Mestna Občina Celje represented by director Gregor Deleja, Gymnasium Celje-Center represented by principle Rok Lipnik and his deputy Marjana Turnšek & I. Primary School Celje represented by teachers Žan Močivnik und Ingrid Župan Vrečko, at an Erasmus+ planning meeting to establish cooperation. Zavod RS za šolstvo, represented by Alex Wirth, gave an insight into the Slovenian school system. Celje School Centre was represented with theoretical and practical examples on the topic of digitalisation in schools. The programme also included presentations by pupils, visits to lessons, planning discussions and a visit to the Advent concert of the I. Gymnasium Celje.

Kick-off for the new “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) project year 2024/25

“Jugend schreibt” (Youth Writes) in Slovenia enters the next round. From 1 February 2024, 30 pupils from the regions of Celje, Videm pri Ptuju and Maribor will take part in the project with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ. Preparations will start on 20 November 2023 with a two-day event at Hotel Celjska koča, which will also be attended by teachers from participating schools and Sonja Merljak Zdovc from Časoris magazine. On behalf of the patron and supporter of the project, Municipality of Celje / Mestna Občina Celje, City Director Gregor Deleja welcomes the participants. The project continues to be dedicated to multilingual media education work under the motto: “Discover Slovenia in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/ FAZ”. Overall coordinantion/Management: Dr. Gerald Hühner and Dr. Monica R. Hühner, INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB.

FAZ Exhibition in Celje

The Central Library in Celje is showing the Slovenian contributions to the project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) under the motto “Discover Slovenia in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“. Before the exhibition opening, a meeting was held with the project group from Celje, which will be taking part from 1 February 2024. At the opening ceremony on 19 October 2023 by the head of the library, Polonca Bajc Nepret, and the head of the Celje Municipality, Gregor Deleja, students from the project Jure Skrbinšek, Luka Kramberger, Sara Vidovic, Doroteja Drevenšek and Sara Gutschi present their project contributions. The opening was followed by a tour of the exhibition with musical and culinary accompaniment. Many thanks to the library, Tadej S., and special thanks to the city of Celje, which will also support the “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) project together with INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB. Overall coordination: Dr. Gerald Hühner und Dr. Monica R. Hühner Fotos ©: Osrednja Knjižnica Celje & Discimus Lab ECHO: TV Celje: Osrednja knjižnica Celje: Mestna občina Celje: Srednja šola za strojništvo, mehatroniko in medije: Radio Celje: Radio SI: Die Austellung in der Zentralbibliothek Celje im Fokus

Exhibition on the project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes)

The exhibition on the project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ has opened at the Goethe-Institut Ljubljana.

After a welcoming address by the director of the institute, Dr Alix Landgrebe, former President Borut Pahor and German Ambassador Adrian Pollmann opened the exhibition on 28 September 2023. Sara Vidovič and Doroteja Drevenšek spoke on behalf of the INSTITUTE DISCIMUS LAB working group. Among the guests were Barbara Koželj Podlogar, Mihael Kovač, Alen Kobilica, Gregor Deleja, Lenart Skof, Tanja Angleitner, Sonja Merljak Zdovc. The exhibition was supported by Slovenian Tourist Board/STO. Overall coordination: Dr Gerald Hühner and Dr Monica R. Hühner. The project will continue to be dedicated to the motto: Discover Slovenia in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Discover Slovenia in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

“Non vitae sed scholae discimus” (Seneca, ca. 62 n. Chr.) – Unfortunately, we don’t learn for life, but for school? Not at all:
INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB – School on the treadmill, with the fire brigade, in a local history museum, in the jungle, with light aircraft and robots, in a youth parliament, at a Youth Olympics, an International Tourism Fair, in embassies, ministries, with presidents, and … even with an Emperor Vespasian reading a newspaper:

Exhibition of the Slovenian contributions in the project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) on 28.9.2023, 17.00, at the Goethe-Institut Ljubljana (Mirje 12).
As part of the Slovenian-German Bridge Project, the German Ambassador to Slovenia, Adrian Pollmann, will officially open the exhibition. Former Slovenian President Borut Pahor will also speak at the event. Other guests of honour from politics and society have already confirmed their visit. The exhibition was funded by the Slovenian Tourist Board/STO.
The project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) offered by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ and administered by IZOP-Institut, is offered nationwide in Slovenia by INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB and carried out annually with new groups of pupils/students. Contact/Coordination: Dr. Gerald Hühner


III Slovenian CLILiG Robotics Championship.

“Climate change threatens humanity. How can robots contribute to climate protection?” RESULT: Schools across the country between Lendava and Bovec once again took part in the third round of the German-language project. Congratulations to all participants for their outstanding contributions. The first prize went to the LINGOROBOS team, comprising pupils from OŠ Škofljica and Ledina Grammar School in Ljubljana. Traditionally, all participating students and teachers are honoured at the award ceremony on 2 February 2024 at the Episcopal Grammar School in Vipava. The main prize, two Lego Mindstorm robots, will once again be presented to the winning team by the German Embassy in Ljubljana.

Slovenia’s volunteer fire brigades in focus

The flood disaster at the beginning of August emphatically documented the importance of volunteer fire brigades. Sara Vidovič and Evelin Kolednik researched this and interviewed Jože Šmigoc (42), Tomaž Muršek (28) and Tijan Šibila (18) from the fire brigade in Videm pri Ptuju. The conversation about the 100-year tradition of the fire brigades, its achievements and current operations is part of the work on a report for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ, project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes). Translated with (free version)

Discover Slovenia in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ, 2.4.2024:

Die Freiwillige Feuerwehr in Slowenien: Über ihren unverzichtbaren gesellschaftlichen Beitrag, der sich gerade in der Flutkatastrophe im August 2023 nachdrücklich dokumentiert hat, über Tradition, Struktur, Ereignisse und Perspektiven. Und wie junge Menschen für ein Engagement in der Feuerwehr gewonnen werden können. Am Beispiel von Jože Šmigoc, Tomaž Muršek und Tian Šibila, Freiwillige Feuerwehr Videm pri Ptuju.
Eine Jugend-schreibt-Reportage von Sara Vidovic und Evelin Kolednik. Konzept/Koordination und Fotos (c): INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB, Dr. Gerald Hühner & Dr. Monica R. Hühner.


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