In Alma Karlin’s World

We spent a project day in Alma Karlin’s World with the writer and translator Jerneja Jezernik in Celje Regional Museum: Presentation for students of the secondary school for catering and tourism, ‘Alma Karlin’, and interview in the context of ‘Jugend schreibt’ (Youth writes) with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ. The interview is conducted by Julija Adamič, Viktoria Navodnik (Celje) and Ela Falež (Maribor); Thank you to Greta Jenček for the support! A project under the auspices of Municipality of Celje / Mestna Občina Celje, Coordination/Photos: Gerald and Monica Hühner

Philosophy in and from Slowenien

In conversation with Lenart Škof about philosophy in and from Slovenia, how philosophising began, about studying in Slovenia, scholarships in the USA and Germany, Antigone’s sisters, philosophy at school, Slovenia at the Frankfurt Book Fair and about who and what there is still to discover. An interview by student journalists Doroteja and Nuša Drevenšek, Jure Fekonja and Mateja Petek, as part of the project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ in Slovenia. Coordination: INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB; Photos: GeMo

Haloze in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Discover Haloze/Slovenia in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ, 5.2.2024: About the Haloze hills, people and wines, kingfishers, beavers and storks, traditions around the local museum in Tržec, the ‘Sleutsch’ language, and why a trip to the region is always worth it. Reportage as part of the project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) with pupils from OŠ Videm pri Ptuju. Online: Coordination/Photos: INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB, Dr. Gerald Hühner and Dr. Monica R. Hühner

Radio Slovenia International

RTV Slovenija – Radio Slovenia International/RSI – News, reports and features from Slovenia, also in German. Research in the Maribor studio for a report in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ on 03.02.2024. The “Jugend schreibt”-journalists Doroteja Drevenšek, Ela Falež, Tin Šoškič (Maribor) and Ema Holešek (Celje) in an interview with the RSI editors Tatjana Dolanc, Ksenija Samardzija-Matul und Lidija Čučko. Coordination/Photos: Gerald u. Monica R. Hühner

III. Slovenian CLIL-Robotics Championship

Award ceremony at Vipava Episcopal Grammar School, 2 February 2024: The prizes from the Goethe-Institut Ljubljana, Hueber Verlag and Mladinska knjiga are handed over by Headmaster Vladimir Anžel, Mayor mag. Anton Lavrenčič and Brigita Kacjan, President of SDUNJ. The main prize from the German Embassy, 2 Lego Mindstorm robots, was handed over by Julia Neblich, Head of the Cultural Department, and Eva Grešak to the winning team ‘LINGOROBOS’, with students from OŠ Škofljica and Gymnasium Ledina/LJ. The teams Radovljica/Vegova, Ptuj, Vipava/Solkan and OŠ Ivana Cankarja Ljutomer were also honoured. Congratulations to all participating students and many thanks to the hosts in Vipava, also for the accompanying musical and culinary programme. The award ceremony marked the start of the IV. Slovenian Championship round. Concept/Coordination: INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB; Gerald u. Monica R. Hühner.

Handball City Celje

A report on the handball city of Celje was published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ on 10 June 2024. The history, topicality and prospects of the internationally successful Slovenian handball project in the Municipality of Celje with the Handball Club Celje Pivovarna Laško. From the talent forging programme and winning the Champions League in 2004 to Team Slovenia’s participation in the 2024 European Championships. A report in the context of ‘Jugend schreibt’ with the FAZ, based on interviews with the national players from Celje Urban Lesjak, playing for  DIE RECKEN – TSV Hannover-Burgdorf Handball GmbH 2018 – 2022, Tilen Kodrin, playing for VfL Handball Gummersbach GmbH since 2022, with the talented young player Mai Marguč, and with the Mayor Matija Kovač. Compiled by Nika Rezman, Larisa Špur (Gimnazija Celje Center) and Matic Krašovec (OŠ Lava/Celje). Coordination/Photos: INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB, Gerald and Monica R. Hühner. Also to be read in:

31.01.2024: FAZ-Interview With the Mayor Matija Kovač in in his oofice in the Municipality of Celje / Mestna Občina Celje about the handball city of Celje. After having interviews with the handball players Mai Marguč, Urban Lesjak and Tilen Kodrin, Nika Rezman, Larisa Špur and Matic Krašovec are now researching in the city of Celje on the importance of handball for the city, the region and Slovenia. A project in the scope of “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ in Slovenia. Coordination/Photos: INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB, Monica und Gerald Hühner; Photo (top left): Alen Obrez

Not only stars shine!

In an interview with the internationally highly decorated star chef, Ana Roš,in her restaurant JAZ in Ljubljana. About self-taught beginnings, regional and international dishes, green stars, anecdotes from the restaurant business, favourite dishes and what motivates young people to cook. Research for a report as part of the project  ‘Jugend schreibt’ (Youth writes) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ in Slovenia. With the student journalists Viktoria Navodnik, Urh Štrakl (both from Celje), Nina Hartman and Tin Šoškič (both from Maribor). A project under the patronage of Municipality of Celje / Mestna Občina Celje with the support of the II Gimn. Maribor. Coordination/Photos: Dr. Gerald Hühner.

Exhibition of FAZ publications in Maribor

Exhibition “Discover Slovenia in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ” in Maribor: openen by the principle Dr. Marko Jagodič, the II Gimnazija Maribor will be showing FAZ publications from Slovenia from 2020 – 2023. The programme of the event includes a detailed presentation of the project by Dr. Gerald Hühner and musical contributions; Doroteja Drevenšek, Ela Falež and Tin Šoškič report on their project experiences with an „FAZ-Rap“ among others. In 2024, a total of 30 Slovenian pupils, including six from the II Gimn. Maribor, are taking part in the project „Jugend schreibt“ (Youth writes) with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ ; Overrall coordination: INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB. The exhibition, which was made possible by STO/Slovenian Tourist Board, The exhibition, which was made possible by the STO/Slovenian Tourist Board, will be shown in Maribor until 8 February 2024.

Echo: RTV Slovenija

Echo: Vecer

Book donation for the Institute ZRS in Koper

“Habent sua fata libelli” – “Knjige imajo svoje usode” – “Bücher haben ihre Schicksale”- “Books have their fates”: A substantial donation of books from the Weimar estate of Edith and Horst Nahler for the Inštitut za filozofske in religijske študije ZRS Koper. Volumes by Goethe, Schiller, Herder, Hölderlin and Wieland are handed over to Prof. Dr. Lenart Skof, Director of the Institute, by Dr. Monica R. and Dr. Gerald Hühner. The Director of the ZRS, Prof. Dr Rado Pišot, the Deputy Director, Prof. Dr. Tilen Glavina, the Head of the Cultural Department of the German Embassy in Ljubljana, Julia Neblich, and the Head of Goethe-Institut Ljubljana, Dr. Alix Landgrebe, also took part in the ceremonial handover of the books. Lectures, speeches and book presentations round off the programme. “Habent sua fata libelli”.

Echo: ZRS Koper

Echo: Primorske novice

Echo: Regional obala

Handball City ecelje

Interviews on the handball city of Celje were conducted with young player Mai Marguč at the Gimnazija Celje Centre, 3 January 2024, and with national team players Urban Lesjak and Tilen Kodrin at the Slovenian handball team’s hotel, 7 January 2024, in Ljubljana. The team is currently preparing to take part in the European Championships/European Championships in Germany. The focus of the interviews about the handball city of Celje: training and professional sport at Handball Club Celje Pivovarna Laško (RK Celje Pivovarna Laško), the experiences of Slovenian players in the German Handball Bundesliga and the prospects for the upcoming European Championship. The discussions as part of the project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth Writes) with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ are being continued and will continue to be conducted by Nika Rezman, Larisa Špur and Matic Krašovec; Guided by: Gerald und Monica Hühner. Photos: Marjana Turnšek, Gerald and Monica Hühner
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