The result of the IV. Croatian CLIiG Robotics Championship

Roboter in times of crisis: Friend und Helper?
The result of the IV Croatian CLILiG Robotics Championship in German is available. The award ceremony was held on 9.5.2022
atSecondary School Zaprešić. Thanks to all participating teams, supporters and Organisers! Congratulations to all the winning teams, especially the winner from Čakovec.

Review: “Kurentovanje with protective masks”

Already in January 2022: An FAZ interview on one of the world’s carnival traditions in times of pandemic. With Aljoša Ciglar, Office for Tourism, Ptuj, as part of the FAZ project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) at the primary/secondary school Breg.




Slovenian art and artists

20.04.2022: Dušan Fišer, international ausgestellter Künstler, Kunst-Pädagoge und Leiter der Stadt-Galerie in der Stadtverwaltung Ptuj im Schüler-Interview. Projekt “Jugend schreibt” mit der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung/FAZ an der Osnovna Šola (Grundschule) Videm pri Ptuju.


Vorlage für die Publikation in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung/FAZ: Dušan Fišer

Potica, gold medal, Michelin plate

14.04.2022: Das “Restauracija 7” in Maribor unter der journalistischen Lupe; Projekt “Jugend schreibt” mit der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung/FAZ. Schülerinnen der Grund- und Hauptschule Breg/Ptuj gehen dem erfolgreichen Konzept auf den Grund. Dank an Direktorin Tanja Angleitner und das gesamte Team.

                       Vorlage für die Publikation in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung/FAZ:  Restavracija Sedem

CLILiG Robotics “In Focus” of Radio SI on 31.03.2022 at 10.30 a.m.

Presentation of the CLIL-Robotics projects at the SDUNJ conference, 18.03.2022

Hotel Primus, Ptuj, 18./19. März 2022:

The 2021 annual SDUNJ conference could not take place in November 2021 due to the Corona pandemic. The evening programme on 18.03.2022 will include the presentation of the Slovenian CLILiG Robotics Championship, with a review of the 2020/21 annual project and the official launch of the 2022 project.

News from the Goethe-Institut Slovenia in Ljubljana

Current information from the Goethe-Institut (GI) Ljubljana on the offer for teachers:

1. DaF- Mosaik, 2. April 2022, Hotel Piramida MB.

Due to the great interest, the GI Ljubljana has formed another group in the DaF-Mosaik further training course; there are still places available in the second group. The registration deadline has been extended to 27 April.

More info and registration:

2. Competition – Sustainable Holidays

The sustainable travel competition for students aged 16-18 has been extended until 9 May.
The winners will win a five-day sustainable trip to Germany.

3. Fun with Wolfi – Playtime

New at the Goethe-Institut Ljubljana are German-language play sessions “Fun with Wolfi”, for children aged 5 to 9, who are immersed in the German language through crafts and movement. They are accompanied by the rag doll Wolfi.

Dates and registration:

4. Teaching and learning materials

Learning and teaching materials can also be purchased in the future:

Here is our offer and the order form:

5. Learning videos for Easter

In keeping with the festive season, GI Ljublana would like to draw your attention to 3 of its learning videos:

Easter song with Bilbi:

Easter Bunny with Napkin Ears:

Easter quiz with Angie:

Worksheets can be found here:

frei.wild in Ptuj

Im Rahmen der diesjährigen SDUNJ-Tagung am 18.03.2022 in Ptuj, standen im Abendprogramm auch Mitglieder des Improvisationstheater frei.wild auf der Bühne.

Das Motto der Berliner “Frei im Kopf und wild auf der Bühne!” ( übertrug sich auch auf das Publikum im Saal, das begeistert dem Programm folgte.

Kleine Einblicke in den drei angehängten Videos.




„Physiotherapists without borders” – an interview with Lana Ritlop and Eva Menhart

„Physiotherapists without borders“- an interview with Lana Ritlop and Eva Menhart from Alma Mater Europaea, about their project in Gambia and Ghana in Summer 2021. An interview for the project “Jugend schreibt (Youth writes)” in cooperation with the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung/FAZ, at the elementary/secondary school Videm pri Ptuju/Slovenia, 18.02.2022.

Boxing World Champion Dejan Zavec in an interview with pupils

Start in eine neue Runde von “Jugend schreibt” mit der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung/FAZ an der OŠ Juršinci/Slowenien. Ein Projekt von Discimus Lab mit dem Jugendzentrum/CID Ptuj

Vorlage für die Publikation in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung/FAZ: Boxweltmeister Dejan Zavec

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