Slovenia’s Hidden Gems in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ:
Where and how are traditional, high-quality shoes still made? Who can still do it? Where does the material come from? What machines and tools are needed? Which manufacturing steps are necessary? How long does it take to make a pair of shoes? And who still manages to successfully combine shoe craftsmanship with art and design today?
Hidden away in the north-east of Slovenia is Lake Blaguš, where Mario Herzog’s studio is integrated into the natural surroundings. This is where ‘Handmade Shoes Only’ are made. Franja Kos, Zoja Štancar and Leon Romih did some research on 25 February 2025. Another project within the framework of ‘Jugend schreibt’ with the FAZ, under the patronage of the Municipality of Celje / Mestna Občina Celje: Coordination/Photos: INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB.