European champion, world champion and Olympic champion all at the same time:
Tina Trstenjak, the most successful Slovenian judoka and one of the most successful in the world.
A meeting at Marjan Fabjan’s judo centre in Celje/Lopata, with student journalists Anja Oblak and Zoja Štancar and an interview:
On the history and success of judo in Celje; how to start a successful judo career; the sacrifice and joy involved; how the desire for an Olympic victory motivates and how different a gold and a silver medal feel; what role opponents play; how to find your way back to everyday life after a world career, and what role a sports museum, a chapel, a red double-decker bus and a pinball machine from London play in all of this.
Project work as part of ‘Jugend schreibt’ with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ, under the patronage of the Municipality of Celje / Mestna Občina Celje.

Coordination/photos: INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB.


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