Award ceremony at Vipava Episcopal Grammar School, 2 February 2024: The prizes from the Goethe-Institut Ljubljana, Hueber Verlag and Mladinska knjiga are handed over by Headmaster Vladimir Anžel, Mayor mag. Anton Lavrenčič and Brigita Kacjan, President of SDUNJ. The main prize from the German Embassy, 2 Lego Mindstorm robots, was handed over by Julia Neblich, Head of the Cultural Department, and Eva Grešak to the winning team ‘LINGOROBOS’, with students from OŠ Škofljica and Gymnasium Ledina/LJ. The teams Radovljica/Vegova, Ptuj, Vipava/Solkan and OŠ Ivana Cankarja Ljutomer were also honoured. Congratulations to all participating students and many thanks to the hosts in Vipava, also for the accompanying musical and culinary programme. The award ceremony marked the start of the IV. Slovenian Championship round. Concept/Coordination: INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB; Gerald u. Monica R. Hühner.
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