Discover Slovenia in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ – 3.2.2025:
– About Nika Kovač: “A Global Voice from a Small Country”. How commitment begins and what challenges and opportunities are associated with it.
– And about Radio SI/RTV Slovenija and its German voice Tatjana Dolanc, who won the Frankfurt and Hessian reading competitions as a child of migrant workers.
Two reports, written as part of the project ‘Jugend schreibt’ (Youth writes) with the FAZ in Slovenia; by Doroteja Drevensek, Ela Falež, Ema Holešek and Tin Šoškič. Under the auspices of the Municipality of Celje / Mestna Občina Celje, with the support of II. gimnazija Maribor; Coordination/Photos: INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB.