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Rheinland-Pfalz in Slovenia
Kick-off for the new “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) project year 2024/25
FAZ Exhibition in Celje
Exhibition on the project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes)
The exhibition on the project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ has opened at the Goethe-Institut Ljubljana.
After a welcoming address by the director of the institute, Dr Alix Landgrebe, former President Borut Pahor and German Ambassador Adrian Pollmann opened the exhibition on 28 September 2023. Sara Vidovič and Doroteja Drevenšek spoke on behalf of the INSTITUTE DISCIMUS LAB working group. Among the guests were Barbara Koželj Podlogar, Mihael Kovač, Alen Kobilica, Gregor Deleja, Lenart Skof, Tanja Angleitner, Sonja Merljak Zdovc. The exhibition was supported by Slovenian Tourist Board/STO. Overall coordination: Dr Gerald Hühner and Dr Monica R. Hühner. The project will continue to be dedicated to the motto: Discover Slovenia in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Discover Slovenia in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
“Non vitae sed scholae discimus” (Seneca, ca. 62 n. Chr.) – Unfortunately, we don’t learn for life, but for school? Not at all:
INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB – School on the treadmill, with the fire brigade, in a local history museum, in the jungle, with light aircraft and robots, in a youth parliament, at a Youth Olympics, an International Tourism Fair, in embassies, ministries, with presidents, and … even with an Emperor Vespasian reading a newspaper:
Exhibition of the Slovenian contributions in the project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) on 28.9.2023, 17.00, at the Goethe-Institut Ljubljana (Mirje 12).
As part of the Slovenian-German Bridge Project, the German Ambassador to Slovenia, Adrian Pollmann, will officially open the exhibition. Former Slovenian President Borut Pahor will also speak at the event. Other guests of honour from politics and society have already confirmed their visit. The exhibition was funded by the Slovenian Tourist Board/STO.
The project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) offered by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ and administered by IZOP-Institut, is offered nationwide in Slovenia by INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB and carried out annually with new groups of pupils/students. Contact/Coordination: Dr. Gerald Hühner
III Slovenian CLILiG Robotics Championship.
Slovenia’s volunteer fire brigades in focus
The flood disaster at the beginning of August emphatically documented the importance of volunteer fire brigades. Sara Vidovič and Evelin Kolednik researched this and interviewed Jože Šmigoc (42), Tomaž Muršek (28) and Tijan Šibila (18) from the fire brigade in Videm pri Ptuju. The conversation about the 100-year tradition of the fire brigades, its achievements and current operations is part of the work on a report for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ, project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes). Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Discover Slovenia in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ, 2.4.2024:
Die Freiwillige Feuerwehr in Slowenien: Über ihren unverzichtbaren gesellschaftlichen Beitrag, der sich gerade in der Flutkatastrophe im August 2023 nachdrücklich dokumentiert hat, über Tradition, Struktur, Ereignisse und Perspektiven. Und wie junge Menschen für ein Engagement in der Feuerwehr gewonnen werden können. Am Beispiel von Jože Šmigoc, Tomaž Muršek und Tian Šibila, Freiwillige Feuerwehr Videm pri Ptuju.
Eine Jugend-schreibt-Reportage von Sara Vidovic und Evelin Kolednik. Konzept/Koordination und Fotos (c): INSTITUT DISCIMUS LAB, Dr. Gerald Hühner & Dr. Monica R. Hühner.
Tourism, Politics, Diplomacy and Sports
On 10.07.2023 in the print edition of the FAZ and online. Reports on
- Politics, Diplomacy and Sports,
- Slovenia at the International Tourism Fair, ITB, in Berlin
- and the four-time European champion in football of winemakers.
Publication within the framework of the project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes). Many thanks to all supporter: The Slovenian Ministry for Economy, Tourism and Sports, Minister Matjaž Han and Jernej Kovač, the Slovenian Embassy Berlin, Dr Ana Polak Petrič, the Slovenian Tourist Board, Rebeka K Bizjak, and the National Winemakers’ Football Team, President Marko Toplak.
Living history and traditions in Slovenian Styria
Wolves, Baers, Lynxes and the queen of the forest
On 27.5.2024 the reportage was Published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ: „DIE NATUR IST GEWALDIG – With the photograher Petra Draskovic Pelc through the wild forests of Slovenia“ – about the photographer, her life and daily work in the Kočevski rog, the horn forest around Kočevje, south of Ljubljana, – about its history, fauna and flora, and about experiences with plants, animals and visitor groups.
Discover Slovenia in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ: Research in Kočevski Rog, 10.6.2023, guided by Petra Draskovic Pelc. Within the framework of the project “Jugend schreibt” (Youth writes) with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/FAZ. Interview conducted by Ela Falež and Tin Šoškič. Coordination/Photos: Monica Hühner und Dr. Gerald Hühner